Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lucky 78, The Score

No, #78 isn't so very lucky and it's not a very good bowling score... with shiny new ball and shoes... but it was the prize winning number. Winning the whole pot! Nice way to finish out the season huh? =D

#1 and 5 at It was a sub and found myself being critical and no matter how many times I said "just shut-up!" to my busy mind *grrrr* ...I couldn't ...even though there were many positive things about class to focus on. She used a great mantra during breath... just (inhale), this (exhale).

#34 REPERTOIRE hehehe Thanks Gail T!

#75 Went to visit C at her new job... got some ice cream and left her a big tip. Also keeping the talk lines open... yeesh teens and tweens can get so busy and kinda crabby.

Thanks Cassandra for the mention of "Wild in the Wind" checked Essential Nina 2 and it's not on there. :S This is a link to a great clip of it. I do remember it... completely awesome highly emotional... maybe they used it to create the Score in Point of No Return (what do you think Leah?). Got a pretty good ear... but it's so hard to articulate what I'm hearing.

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