Monday, April 28, 2008

Slide into a pose

#1 Felt so great... put the sequence into a slide show ^above^. :P

#29 and #30 Can't find the site I was invited to join for fitness professionals. :S Maybe the url has changed? Sent out a few emails to track it down... and inquired about any advice they might have regarding making a video.

#63 There is nothing on the community calendar or website about a hazardous material drop off at our local park this year. Checked the Park District site and found my daughter on the front page. That was a nice surprise! There is a neighboring town we can bring that kind of stuff to... just have to haul it over there. Also found a cool link to living "greener" in our County... saved the page for future reference on #99

#76 Got mom's new address and wrote out a little card for her.

#90 Packaged a book to release through the mail... and forgot I can be marking that off as Karma Yoga #8!

On a roll here. =D

1 comment:

Latharia said...

You ARE on a roll! Can't wait to hear more about it at lunch tomorrow!! :D