Wednesday, April 23, 2008

15 minutes early... work today. Yay! I don't know about you, but daylight savings time this year was a hard adjustment. Plus, I added a few things to my morning routine. Trying to get my own Yoga practice in then... it's not working out so well. :S With an onset of a nasty cold I was totally pushing the fluids and started using a Neti Pot (It's helped and I would recommend it if you suffer from sinus symptoms... if you try it: warm the neti pot up a bit first by running warm water through it... found out the hard way that the pot stays cool and if you just fill it with warm water it cools quickly and causes an instant headache. Also you must use the salt). Anyway, I got in the bad habit of arriving only a few minutes early and even twice being late. :S So finally I feel like I'm back on track.
Teaching four classes today I wasn't sure when I'd get that asana time in... I usually end up chatting with people for a bit between classes but I had no stragglers today and easily got it in.

1 comment:

Latharia said...

GO, you!! :) That's awesome! I'm glad you are getting in time for you ... and not feeling rushed!!!! :D